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Jashar EN

Jaschar contacted me with a sense of urgency.

He wanted to find a personal trainer who can help him reduce 5 kg in order to look better for his movies. Additionally, he wanted to improve his squat, deadlift, bench press and his posture.

As you may see on the photos, his shoulders were rounded forward, which was causing a technique problem in some exercises.

Now, Jaschar is more than 7 kg down and about to hit a 100 kg deadlift for reps and the next goal is to hit a 100 kg for squat.

That makes him really proud and is a perfect confirmation, that he is actually building muscle and getting rid of the fat!

Jaschar, 31

Testemonial Alex Powerbuilding

"I lost 13 kg in 6 months. My friends can tell the difference, and my colleagues can't believe I lost weight during quarantine ... while they gained weight. Now I'm wearing size 38 again, no more 44!

The new way of eating is a very flexible solution for my intensive everyday life. I actually eat more than before and have a lot more energy!


Alex is super patient and always finds a practical solution for any issue. He helps me a lot to become more disciplined and is great motivation for me. I could strongly recommend his services."

Alexandra, 33

Alexandra EN
Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

"Alex makes complex things to look very simple.

An absolute Game changer for me.


My focus now is on taking action and Alex gives me the info that I need.."


Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding


"I used to be overwhelmed with my goals, partly in implementing them and partly in maintaining the results. Sometimes that really depressed me.


Now I'm happy because I've found something that works, and I'm highly motivated because the successes are quickly visible."

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding



​"Alex has helped me take responsibility, and thanks to the nutritional and training plan I can finally achieve my goals. ​

Now I am a lot more confident.


I know it is safe to walk into the gym and I know what to do there."

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

"I found Alex through a Google search and have been working with him successfully for over six months. ​ He is a committed and competent trainer who responds individually to his customers and is equally reliable and flexible.


He is very good at communicating and can be reached for questions outside the training hours.

The progress in training is continuously checked by Alex and the measures are intelligently adjusted.​ Last but not least, he's a very nice guy and training with him is really fun.

Peter | Team Manager

"Alex is super committed, always in a good mood and ready to support at any stage (either at the gym or via messages).


Everything is also uncomplicated with him, 1 session doesn't work, we can find another slot easily and hassle-free.


I highly recommend him as he will always tailor your sessions to your goals. He makes sure that I have the right technique first, so that I really can train efficiently also when he's not around.


Overall great experience to work with him."

Frédéric | Research Director 

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding
Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

"Alex is very passionate about what he does and, that is what makes him an excellent online trainer.


After hitting a plateau with muscle building and not achieving significant fat loss. Alex helped me to fine-tune my workout and nutrition plan

I couldn't have reached my goals without his direction.


He is the person you need when you want something done."

Sam | Sourcing Analyst

Peter, at the age of 42, thought he had reached his full potential
and can't get any better.....

After diagnosing his posture and looking carefully in his previous workouts, we found out that he does not have a proper mobility & flexibility routine and his technique on some of the complex exercises was a bit messy.

Because of that, he had tightness allover his body and a lot of stiff and pain points.
This was stopping him to perform the exercises better and was the main cause of his plateau.

He started at 90 kg, and he actually gained to 92 kg, but as you see on the pictures, he definitely gain muscles and reduce body fat.

He reduced the tension in his lower back and neck.

He is now totally pain free!

He is also an excellent example that the scale can be a bad way to measure your progress.

"I contacted Alex because due to some physical problems. I wanted to strengthen my body in order to avoid future issues. I have trained before, but mostly on my own, which lead to a very slow progress or even to injury.


So far, we have been working together for a month and a half, I can easily say that I have done the biggest progress than any time before in my life.


Since the first day, he has been attentive, supportive and flexible. Answering any questions that I may have via what's-up and listening to my feedback in order to offer the training that was most suitable for me.


I had read on other reviews that he was always in a good mood, or at least it seemed, and I need to say this is absolutely true. Also, he is extremely kind and patient. Always focusing on the good parts, which makes working out with him a super relaxing and fruitful experience."

Diego Penin Cid 

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding
Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

"Alex has been great personal trainer. He has the in-depth knowledge on fitness training and nutrition.

He is helping me to achieve my goals in fitness the right way.
I’m very happy to be trained and coached by Alex.

I’d highly recommend him as a Personal Trainer"

Vijay | Marketing Digital Commerce Strategy

"As a person beginning my fitness journey in my 30s, i really needed a personal trainer to help me be more confident at the gym and most importantly find the motivation to be consistent.

My first meeting with Alex was really good.
Alex was a great listener and helped me feel comfortable with beginning my journey. Alex's guidance at the gym (and outside) is precise, effective and keeps me motivated to improve every day. Alex is also open to feedback at all times, and communicating my needs and problems with him is very easy.

If you are looking for a positive, judgement free, effective and friendly personal trainer to start or continue your fitness journey, Alex is the one you need!"

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

Avi | Senior Product Manager

client success story alex powerbuilding

Samanta got in touch with me just before the lockdown started.

At first, she was discouraged that we would not be able to train at the gym. ​

However, she lost 10 kg within 13 weeks of home workouts. Her waist got 15 cm thinner and she is excited about what is up to come.​

Samanta is grateful that she started working out at the beginning of November and already has visible results.

Samanta, 45

Samanta EN

"I highly recommend Alex as a personal trainer.

I have never been in a gym before, and yet he was able to teach me the right techniques to feel comfortable and progress quickly.

Being a great motivator and coach, he is also able to support me and strengthen my mindset.

He's the best investment in my own health I have ever done."

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

Francesco Mandelli 30 

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

I started working with Alex because due to stress, my eating habits got worse.

I already feel it was a good decision, and we have only been working together for 3 months.

It's not just the energy, optimism and ambition of each call, it's working with someone who takes care of you and makes you feel like you are both a team.

He has adapted to my situation every week, personalizing routines, tips and content to the maximum.

From minute zero, he made me feel confident to open up and say what I needed.

I would definitely make the same decision again, people like Alex are key in times of change and challenge!

Ana Nedelcu 

As someone relatively new to strength training, I really appreciate working with Alex.

The guidance, expertise and especially empathy he brings to our work together are truly incredible.

One of my goals before starting with Alex was to make working out, and being more mindful of my health habitual and Alex has helped me achieve this and a lot more with his approach and structure of our training sessions.

Looking forward to checking off more goals on my list with Alex!

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

   Makinwa Olubukola

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

Highly recommend Alex as an Online Coach.

Alex has been brilliant in working with my specific needs and fully understands what is necessary to help me hit my goals.

His detailed approach to nutrition and fitness plans has exceeded my expectations.

He is always available when needed, responds to messages quickly and is really good at making you feel motivated.

Denis Watson

I am looking forward to hearing your story!

Client Reccomendation Alex Powerbuilding

"Аlex's patient, understanding manner and his expertise (not only in muscle building but also in nutrition) have given me a real passion for training."

Phil, 36

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