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The Power of Making Mistakes: A Lesson from Riding a Motorcycle and Building Muscle

As a passionate learner, I've come to realize that the key to true growth and development is taking ownership of your own learning journey and struggle. And one of the most valuable lessons I learned about effective teaching methods came from an unexpected source – learning to ride a motorcycle.

When I first started taking motorcycle lessons, I was a little nervous. I had never ridden a motorcycle before, and the thought of being in control of a powerful machine on two wheels was both exhilarating and a little scary. But my instructor was amazing. Instead of holding my hand every step of the way, he gave me the basics, explained the exercises, and then stepped back to observe as I put my new skills into practice.

At first, I made a lot of mistakes. I stalled the engine, struggled with balance, and had trouble shifting gears. But my instructor was patient and encouraging, reminding me that every mistake was an opportunity to learn and grow.

And you know what? That approach worked. By allowing me to make mistakes and learn from them, my confidence and mastery grew rapidly. I was able to learn 60% faster and get ready for the exam. But the lesson didn't just apply to riding motorcycles – it was a lesson that translated into any area of life where we seek to learn and grow.

Unfortunately, I didn't always apply this approach when working in person with clients in the gym. As a personal trainer, I used to micromanage and even put the weights on the bar for my clients, thinking I was helping them have a safer and more enjoyable experience. I wanted to make sure they wouldn't struggle or get hurt, just like a caring parent.

But that was a big mistake. By doing everything for my clients, I was preventing them from building awareness of their own bodies and posture, and hindering their progress in the long run. They weren't learning anything, just following my instructions blindly. They weren't taking ownership of their own fitness journey, and that was a problem. This is the reason why I decided to move to online fitness coaching.

I really understood the value of empowering my clients to take ownership of their own fitness journey. By giving them the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions about their training and nutrition, I was able to help them achieve their goals more effectively and sustainably.

The moral of the story is clear – when it comes to learning and growth, we need to take ownership of our own journey. We need to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them. We need to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves. And we need to be willing to empower ourselves with the knowledge and skills we need to succeed.

So what is your strategy of learning? Are you actively taking ownership of your own learning journey? Are you willing to make mistakes and learn from them? Are you empowering yourself with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed? If not, it's time to start. Because the key to true growth and development is in your hands.


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